Avatar Grove Hike – Sunday July 25
On Sunday, July 25, join the Ancient Forest Alliance’s forest campaigner + photographer TJ Watt and communications director Brendan Harry to visit the magnificent but endangered “Avatar Grove”. The grove is home to dozens of ancient redcedar trees, many of which are at least 13 feet across, centuries old, and covered in massive alien-shaped burls! Rare old-growth Douglas fir trees, of which 99% of have been logged, are also found in the grove. Avatar Grove is currently flagged for logging despite its potential to become a major tourism destination, the “Cathedral Grove of Port Renfrew”, and important ecological value.
For information about this magnificent but endangered grove, visit: www.ancientforestalliance.org
To see images of the area, visit: https://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=480609145246&v=photos#!/group.php?gid=480609145246&v=photos&so=0
!!! To participate, please RSVP by TODAY Thursday, July 22nd to: katrina@ !!!
We will meet in Port Renfrew at the Coastal Kitchen Cafe at 12:00 noon. The drive from Victoria to Port Renfrew takes approximately 2 hours. We will leave from Port Renfrew for Avatar Grove at 12:30 pm. Avatar Grove is another 15 minutes’ drive from Port Renfrew. Upon arrival, everyone will be able to stay for as long as they choose. Participants must bring their own lunch & snacks, water, rain gear, hiking boots, and wonderful attitude!
Directions and a Google map to the area can be found at: https://ancientforestalliance.org/news-item.php?ID=68
***NOTE: Gas is not always available in Port Renfrew, so be sure to fill up in Sooke.
***NOTE: Only those with a solid sense of balance and good hiking experience may come on this particular trip. The hike requires bushwhacking through rugged and irregular terrain, climbing over giant logs, and scaling some steep embankments. All participants will be required to sign a waiver form. Vehicles should be in good mechanical order and carrying a spare tire. Four-wheel drive is not necessary as most of the roads are paved.