TONIGHT! Natural History Presentation: Ancient Forests of BC – Ecology and Politics
The Victoria Natural History Society invites you to join the Ancient Forest Alliance¹s Ken Wu and TJ Watt for a spectacular slideshow and talk on the ecology, wildlife, and politics of old-growth forests including Avatar Grove, Walbran Valley, Clayoquot Sound, McLaughlin Ridge, and the newly found Mossy Maple Rainforest (aka “Fangorn Forest”). We will also discuss the status of various old-growth dependent species-at-risk in BC, such as the Spotted Owl and Mountain Caribou, as well as the possibly extirpated Vancouver Island wolverine, and the push for new provincial policies to protect old-growth forests.
When: Tuesday, April 10th. 7:30 p.m.
Where: Room 159 of the Fraser building at UVic.
Everyone is welcome. Bring a friend and a coffee mug!