Ancient Forest Alliance – Launch Event!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
7:00-8:30 pm
Rm. 105, Harry Hickman Building, University of Victoria
Talks and Presentations by:
- Ken Wu (AFA co-founder, former Wilderness Committee campaign director) – The role of the Ancient Forest Alliance and how you can help the campaign!
- TJ Watt (Metchosin photographer, AFA co-founder) – Spectacular slideshow of Vancouver Island and the CRD’s largest trees, including recent photos of the 3 very largest trees in Canada!
- Jens Wieting (Sierra Club BC forest campaigner) – Slideshow – Mapping the state of BC’s coastal rainforest, species habitat and carbon storage.
- Tara Sawatsky (AFA co-founder and former Wilderness Committee forest and marine campaigner) – Upcoming AFA events!
- Katrina Andres (UVic Ancient Forest Committee coordinator) – Helping out on campus!
By donation
To find out more and RSVP go to the Facebook Event page.