Elphinstone Logging Focus – Wilson Creek forest under threat
Citizens on the Sunshine Coast in Roberts Creek are fighting against
imminent logging in the Wilson Creek Forest – please visit the website
of Elphinstone Logging Focus for more details at: https://www.loggingfocus.org/
The Wilson Creek Forest is a key forest area providing connectivity across the lower slopes of the Mt. Elphinstone area. This never-before-logged area is just a 10 minute drive from Roberts Creek and has a wonderful community trail that winds down to the pristine and untouched forest edges of Wilson Creek. It is the key western forest within the Elphinstone Park Expansion boundaries – NOW SCCA supported. Among its many important features, are a number of groves of the threatened Coastal Douglas-fir ecosystem which the government states are threatened province wide. THIS FOREST IS IN IMMINENT DANGER OF BEING LOGGED- WE NEED YOUR HELP.